I would recommend the Dreamy Project to any families facing difficulties with good sleep. I knew I needed to implement sleep training and move my baby to his cot because for some weeks I was being used as a human pacifier throughout his night sleep. I didn’t know how to approch sleep training successfully after failing to implement the feed to sleep method based on on-line guidance. There is so much information out there, but without tailored advice and support I found it difficult to know what to do. I approached the Dreamy Project and received professional tailored advice based on my circumstances. Within 1 day I was no longer feeding to sleep and a month later my baby had learnt how to self soothe and connect sleep cycles.
Pooja was so helpful and explained the process clearly and remained on hand when I was unsure about something (something a textbook can't give!). We'd never had a solid nap routine so it was really concerning that my 6.5-month-old wasn't getting enough sleep and his milk feeds were not consistent. I have learnt a lot from Pooja, especially how when correcting one thing it corrects the other, for example, as soon as my baby fell into the correct sleep schedule, his milk feeds went up.
Thank you to the Dreamy Project! Sleep is a journey and it's not always perfect, so I am thankful we have a good sleep foundation to tackle the sleep regressions, early rising and short naps.
Tejel and Krish (7 months)

After trying many different methods of sleep training with my daughter and at 10 months I’d resigned to the fact that this is just how it’s going to be. Short naps and broken sleep at night however it really wasn’t sustainable long term for me or the baby.
Pooja at The Dreamy Project came up with a tailored plan based on all the information I had provided and gave me a step by step guide on what I needed to change and how to implement the changes.
Pooja was always at the end of the phone for when I needed extra support and regularly checked in with me to see how we were progressing and continually gave suggestions on how to reach our sleep goals.
We saw changes very quickly and got the longer naps that were so desperately needed and as time went on everything fell into place.
Even now whilst navigating our way with a poorly baby we have the knowledge to ensure she gets the sleep she needs without compromising all the progress we have made so far.
I would highly recommend Pooja to anyone wanting to improve their babies sleep and it’s never to late to make sleep improvements and changes and do not hesitate to contact The Dreamy Project
Ami and Saanvi (10 months)

Before we met Pooja our little Sophia was lasting about 2-3 hours in her cot (which was in our room) before I would have to bring her into our bed where she would sporadically feed through the night. For a couple of months I didn’t mind this, I loved the cuddles and even though I was exhausted I enjoyed seeing her sleep well – even if a bit broken!
After she turned 1 I felt I needed a change as I was now back at work and couldn’t cope with the sleep deprivation on top of this. Feeling a bit guilty for the ‘bad’ sleep habits I had got into I was a bit embarrassing talking to Pooja, but one thing she said which was so kind was ‘This is all fine until it becomes a problem…which is where I can help’
From that point I felt like I was in great hands. Pooja was so supportive and knowledgeable about what babies Sophia’s age need which helped me feel well equipped and empowered!
I’m not going to lie but the first 3 days were probably the hardest 3 days of my parenting life but we cracked it! By day 4 we had so many incredible wins. Sophia was in her own room, didn’t need a dummy, didn’t need any feeds throughout the night and most importantly slept through 10 hours straight!
The support I had every morning after a hard night was priceless. Pooja was always on hand to answer questions and most importantly so confident we would solve all our issues which is exactly what you need to ensure you stay consistent and strong through the process.
The method is also so gentle and kind and I never felt like Sophia was feeling traumatised. In fact after she slept through the night I realised we had finally given her the gift of self settling!
When you sleep train/teach your child with Pooja you have a great support system, someone who is like a friend who always checks in and seeks to make things better and most importantly… spurs you on!
Sarah and Sophia (1 Year)

For many months I was gently trying to wean my 10 month old son away from relying on me for sleep. I had stopped rocking him but I was then patting or for his night wakings, feeding him back to sleep. We had co slept since he was 5 months old and I just didn’t feel brave enough to move him into his own room, without having a proper plan.
After having an in depth consultation with Pooja at The Dreamy Project, she carefully put together a bespoke plan for me and my son. This made me feel very safe and finally brave enough to give it a go. Having the support and encouragement made me take that next step and I didn’t regret it.
Pooja offered 1:1 support after our consultation to check up and ensure me and my son were happy and things were working for us. This service was so worth it instead of just one conversation at the start because it doesn’t always happen instantly. And for us we certainly needed those catch up calls!
After just one night of being very consistent with the given method I saw a huge difference in my sons night sleep. He pretty much slept through on day two! I was so excited!
I didn’t realise how having my evenings and decent nights sleep back, would make me feel so much more rested. It’s such a busy day with my very active 10 month old, and the lack of sleep was making me run on reserve most days. I was pretty desperate for a change in routine and I finally got that.
Doing the sleep training course with The Dreamy Project has meant I have got my sanity back and I’m a much more happier mum and wife! My son is much more rested too and a lot calmer before naps and bed time because I pick up on his cues quicker.
I can’t recommend The Dreamy Project and Pooja enough, she has really changed my life and my sons life. I will take the knowledge I have gained going forward and keep applying it. Sleep can always be worked on!
Thank you Pooja, Thank you, Thank you!
Ruta and Ayaan (10 months)

Countless nights of sleeplessness...does that sound like something you can relate to? We had that problem, HAD. At about 4 months, we moved Sanav to his crib, and started sleep training (our amateur version of it) from information we gathered online reading blogs and posts about baby sleep, and from books on tape. The only thing we had right was that we would start the bedtime routine at the same time. Everything else was counter productive: Sanav would wake up about every hour to two hours, we would run to his aid and try troubleshooting: feed him, hold him, rock him, change his diaper? "The book says let him cry". We even started sleeping on the floor in his room in shifts: 7pm until 1am, and 1am until 7am. Every night was a battle, my husband and I constantly had arguments, patience ran thin...and sleep was measured in minutes.
Pooja gave us a lifeline of a lifetime. After our first consultation and several follow up questions, we are now finally down to one night awakening, with baby sleeping well through the night getting his restorative sleep (we've all read about this very important piece!). Sanav now knows how to self soothe, and we know how to help him. Not all babies are good sleepers, but all babies that can't sleep need personalized measures to help them get there. That's where The Dreamy Project, and Pooja's dedicated approach comes to play. Look no further... Here's to happy mornings for all!
Roshni and Saanav (10 months)

This has been like a magical journey for us after we met Pooja. My lil 15 month old boy has been through a lot when he was born, he had his 1 surgery when he was just 7 days old and the second after few weeks. It was really tough for us to get him into a sleeping pattern as we felt he might be traumatised remembering the hospital. He use to sleep for few hours in his cot in our room and he use to wake up at 1 am and end up in our bed.Most of the time I had to rock him back to sleep which would end up being 1 to 3 hours. It was really tiring for us. But after meeting POOJA everything changed. According to what he had been through she made a perfect sleep plan for him. We are absolutely amazed at the change In just 10 days. He is less cranky during the day, he sleeps throughout the night in his own room and no longer requires rocking for endless hours in the middle of night.
I highly recommend Pooja’s sleep consultant services to any other parents out there who have similar sleep issues with their children.
Thank you very much Pooja, you are a magician.
Tosha and Aaryan (15 months)